ROGÉ Dental Polyclinic

Excellence and Experience in Cosmetic Dentistry


"Established in 1992 by Drs. Marfany and Rogé, a team of specialized practitioners in cosmetic dentistry, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, and implantology is at your service to provide you with attentive and personalized care. The integration of a prosthetic laboratory within the clinic itself allows for responsiveness that makes efficiency, speed, and quality compatible. The presence of hygienists is a major asset in ensuring the follow-up of treatments carried out on-site.

Dr. Michel Rogé's passion and innovative spirit stimulate the enthusiasm and commitment to excellence of this multidisciplinary team. The interaction among all these professionals and the most advanced technologies at their disposal (optical impressions, computer-aided design and manufacturing, microscopes, centrifuges, etc.) allows for the optimization of the quality of treatments and prosthetic rehabilitations. This synergy also enhances communication among different specialists, laboratory technicians, and patients.

In this context, it is much easier to align what the patient desires with what is both achievable and desirable to accomplish. The clinic's reputation attests to the success of this approach.


Technological advances, the rise and popularization of implantology, the reliability and aesthetic performance of adhesive restorations, the use of microscopes... have revolutionized our therapeutic approach. While this has significantly contributed to improving the quality of treatments, it has also pushed the human factor into the background. It is fundamental that our therapeutic decisions and prosthetic achievements result from reflection and expertise. Materials and technologies should not govern our practice. Preserving the uniqueness of the patient, both in terms of aesthetics and physiology, remains at the center of our concerns.


Dental Art or Dental Sciences, realism or artifice, customization or standardization, these are all dilemmas that highlight the philosophical dimension of our profession. Our ambition is to offer prosthetic rehabilitations that uphold values of realism, prioritize aesthetic integration, and reveal a unique and evolving beauty.

This highly personal vision rejects the cult of whiteness and symmetry, aiming to assert a natural aesthetic. In this perspective, communication with the patient plays a crucial role. It is our goal to educate in order to convince: teeth are not white! Their color, texture, and shape evolve throughout life, and wanting to represent them in a stereotypical and timeless manner compromises the aesthetic integration of our prosthetic rehabilitations. Respect for the uniqueness and identity of each of our patients constitutes, in a way, our DNA.

  • Understanding for Objective Judgment


    Publication by Dr. Michel Rogé

    This book, published in 2015, is already among the reference books on dental aesthetics. It highlights the author's role as both a clinician and an educator. In this work, aesthetics go far beyond a physical representation; they respond to a desire to enrich others.

    This responsibility involves taking into account certain morphological landmarks, but it is primarily about advocating for a personalized aesthetics that respects the uniqueness of the patient.

Av. Rocafort, 30
AD600 St. Julià de Lòria
Principat d’Andorra
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(+376) 844 500
Opening hours
  • MO - FR
    8AM – 8PM
  • SA - SU
Av. Rocafort, 30
AD600 St. Julià de Lòria
Principat d’Andorra
Opening hours
  • MO - FR
    8AM – 8PM
  • SA - SU
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(+376) 844 500